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1 Destro  Sun, Oct 28, 2012 11:21:57am
Reducing the demand for prostitution is seen as one key to ending sex trafficking.

You can't change human nature.

Legalize prostitution, monitor it, over-sight it, tax it and take the pimps and minors out of the equation and sex trafficking ends (or is much reduced).

2 Gretchen G.Tiger  Sun, Oct 28, 2012 11:32:26am

re: #1 Destro

You can't change human nature.

Legalize prostitution, monitor it, over-sight it, tax it and take the pimps and minors out of the equation and sex trafficking ends (or is much reduced).

My first reaction was as yours.

But as we condemn MIddle East cultures for putting their women in bags, we have to take responsibility for our own culture.

Like family planning. Comprehensive Education is the best start.

The recent published study about how ignorant girls and young women are about reproduction shows us that we aren't doing what we need to do.

3 moderatelyradicalliberal  Sun, Oct 28, 2012 12:17:26pm

The average prostitute turns her first trick at age 14. Who ends up in prostitution is very much connected to the epidemic of child sexual abuse we have in this country. We have to do something about his as well. Too many child predators running around. Too many go unreported and when they are they are they not sufficiently prosecuted or punished. Child abuse should be worthy of a life sentence in this country.

4 Amory Blaine  Sun, Oct 28, 2012 1:49:36pm

We have done something as a country. We ignore them. We incarcerate them. We judge them and then shun them. Maybe we can have a "class" cobbled together and then blame the teachers as lazy and greedy when the inevitable failure results. Our view points about social ills are so fucked up we will never do what's right. Our answer to everything, lock 'em up.

5 calochortus  Sun, Oct 28, 2012 2:58:29pm

I really think educating men about sex trafficking and who the majority of prostitutes really are is part of the equation. Basically decent guys who've never thought about why these women are prostitutes and who is pocketing the money, need to have it presented in a way they can't ignore in the future.

Since human nature isn't going to change, I'd also suggest legalizing adult prostitution without pimps being involved. If a woman wants to sell her body for sex in a safe environment with access to appropriate medical monitoring, who am I to say that is worse than selling your body to do manual labor?
Do I think this is likely any time soon? No.

6 SanFranciscoZionist  Sun, Oct 28, 2012 7:45:44pm

re: #1 Destro

You can't change human nature.

Legalize prostitution, monitor it, over-sight it, tax it and take the pimps and minors out of the equation and sex trafficking ends (or is much reduced).

I agree that legalization, and getting pimps and minors out of the equation is not a bad idea, although the actual dynamics of how that first part would look always seems to get into the woods pretty quickly. And I'm not sure that legalization necessarily helps anyone except for those who are already not in trouble. Per UNHCR, the Netherlands, despite legalization and cooperation with trafficking laws, still has a big goddamn problem going on.


However, fuck 'human nature'. A human being is responsible for what he or she does, and I have no problem with sitting people who want to be consumers in the sex trade down and letting them know exactly what the hell they are paying for. It's human nature to want to drive fast, too, it's just that sometimes you kill people when you do it. As with this.

7 Mostly sane, most of the time.  Sun, Oct 28, 2012 8:53:33pm

re: #6 SanFranciscoZionist

The problem is that it isn't a fun job to have, and consequently women usually want to do anything else. To meet demand, pimps have to force women into it. It's not our policies that keep women from doing sex work--it's the job itself. It's a slow destruction of your soul, and not something a woman with options will choose to do, so the pimp removes every other option.

I can't see that making it legal will somehow make it an attractive job and attract workers.

8 SanFranciscoZionist  Sun, Oct 28, 2012 9:24:53pm

re: #7 Mostly sane, most of the time.

The problem is that it isn't a fun job to have, and consequently women usually want to do anything else. To meet demand, pimps have to force women into it. It's not our policies that keep women from doing sex work--it's the job itself. It's a slow destruction of your soul, and not something a woman with options will choose to do, so the pimp removes every other option.

I can't see that making it legal will somehow make it an attractive job and attract workers.

Right now, California is voting on a proposition that imposes very heavy penalties on convicted traffickers. There's been a lot of pushback from groups representing independent sex workers, who insist this opens their children and landlords and such to being in trouble because they 'profit'.

A local weekly tabloid did a whole cover piece interviewing many of these women, white and college educated, and full of explanations for how they represent a MUCH bigger chunk of the prostitutes of America than anyone knows, and gosh, this will be so awful for them if this passes.

I have no patience. None of these women are in danger of having their landlord arrested for trafficking. Meanwhile, barely-adolescent girls are selling themselves on Capp Street, and the 'massage parlors' are full of girls from Asia who don't speak a word of English and have no papers, at least not papers they have access to. God, my generation and the Millennials can be full of some whiny, entitled people.

Sorry. Rant over. For now.

9 lostlakehiker  Sun, Oct 28, 2012 11:02:47pm

re: #5 calochortus

I really think educating men about sex trafficking and who the majority of prostitutes really are is part of the equation. Basically decent guys who've never thought about why these women are prostitutes and who is pocketing the money, need to have it presented in a way they can't ignore in the future.

Since human nature isn't going to change, I'd also suggest legalizing adult prostitution without pimps being involved. If a woman wants to sell her body for sex in a safe environment with access to appropriate medical monitoring, who am I to say that is worse than selling your body to do manual labor?
Do I think this is likely any time soon? No.

Basically decent men? With 14 year olds? In what universe? But moving on from that, let's limit the rest of the discussion to girls 18 and up. In a some places, some prostitutes may be free women plying their trade. But far too often, the prostitute is a slave. Pure and simple. Slave.

These basically decent men---do they give a thought to the possibility? How can they not know, not guess, not suspect?

This is an admirable program, because yes, there's always some who never cotton on to the shadowy way slavery works in today's USA. Some who in all innocence just don't pick up on the clues. These men may recoil at funding more of the same, once they've seen the proof of it.

But there's a law enforcement problem here. With the Secret Service, the FBI, etc. having a macho culture that includes not only patronizing prostitutes, but cheating them out of their fees, how can the federal government really make cracking down on prostitution-slavery a priority?

10 Gretchen G.Tiger  Mon, Oct 29, 2012 10:12:59am

Like drugs and other vice, there is WAY TOO MUCH MONEY INVOLVED, for the sex-trade to ever cease to exist.

Legalization works --I guess--I don't hear any problems with how they run it in Vegas. Seems like the only way to regulate the health aspects of it.

Yet, to be blunt, when men are thinking with the little head . . . . .

Comprehensive Sex Ed in the early years of High School or Junior High before a lot of kids drop-out, might make a dent. And by Comprehensive I mean, health, biology, psychology, economics, history , civil rights . . .. It would be a class kids might actually pay attention in.

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